- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-29 http://ff.im/-ijOcT #
- What does a school librarian do? Ask me! VIDEO: http://bit.ly/cPt4w6 #savelibraries #
- RT @savelibs: Follow @savelibs for the latest news & info about library advocacy and campaigns! Tweets by @lorireed & @hbraum #savelibraries #
- @jeanne003 i'll admit it: I <3 twitter prob more than i shld; but bc of those i follow, info i need comes to me a lot of the time! in reply to jeanne003 #
- RT @savelibs: SJPL loses 45% of staff & will be open only 3 days/week: http://bit.ly/9Wr8Nm #savelibraries via @TheLiB #
- @wawoodworth surprising; overwhelming; frustrating; inspiring; fruitful in reply to wawoodworth #
- @mayfieldc bags of chocolate — make own labels with phrases that say thank you? (just random idea) [can't go wrong with chocolate] in reply to mayfieldc #
- @mayfieldc and would boost teacher morale; i think everyone needs that right now, right? in reply to mayfieldc #
- RT @alsnyder02: Anyone need a job?? Librarian for the Executive Office of the President, Office of Administration. http://bit.ly/cKzATe #
- i just got a shipping notification from apple!! 😀 will saturday get here soon, please? #
- @Footnotegirl i'll blog about the experience for sure; i've been trying to use tiny iphone screen like an iPad, which was killing my eyes in reply to Footnotegirl #
- @pollyalida 🙂 yep, i have to have all my KLA conf stuff done before Saturday bc all I'll be doing then is playing all day w it! 🙂 in reply to pollyalida #
- @tncs yes they are; don't think i've ever anticipated a product like this 1, though 🙂 (also never been true 1st gen early adopter till now) in reply to tncs #
- @pollyalida good luck with the continuing project; can't wait to see pics someday soon! 🙂 in reply to pollyalida #
- @J_Nellie why are you at Kearny County Public Library at 11pm at night??? in reply to J_Nellie #
- never dreamed i'd be able to integrate my love of technology, libraries, journalism, and public service. #crazyhowthathappens #
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