- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-20 http://ff.im/-hO7Kn #
- I am so tired of the snow and howling wind. I thought today was the first day of spring! #
- watching the last few seconds of the nova-st marys game; upset cooking? #ilovemarchmadness #
- @pollyalida hate it when that happens. any internet yet? (Sorry I wasn't around when you asked for our input earlier) is it going well? in reply to pollyalida #
- upset #1 of round two; 13 other upsets can happen this weekend, just can't happen to ku or kstate. 🙂 #
- RT @cmlibrary: Actress Katharine Hepburn: "What in the world would we do without our libraries?" | Support Your Library ^jd #
- RT @lorireed: Getting inspired. Who wants to help with a campaign to save libraries everywhere? #savelibraries #
- @lorireed most definitely yes! in reply to lorireed #
- all of NE KS has perfect reason to watch lots of basketball today :). Nothing else to do as it still continues to snow. KU game starts soon! #
- @buffyjhamilton if i could get out of my apt and brave the roads, i'd be outta here in an instant! thanks 🙂 in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- here we go; rock chalk! 🙂 #
- who forgot to serve coffee to KU today? come on guys, wake up and start playing your game! #
- @lorireed i think promote libs–i wonder how many pple outside our profession (other than power users) realize how much a library impacts… in reply to lorireed #
- @lorireed community, education, lifelong learning, and does it, conserving money and time while caring out its mission; we're good abt in reply to lorireed #
- @lorireed talking abt what we do, bt do people rlly get ALL we do & why we're nec, up there w svcs pple see as vital: ed, ems, police, roads in reply to lorireed #
- @J_Nellie no joke. this is getting extremely old; they have no killer instinct this year, it seems. going to bite us soon, i'm afraid. in reply to J_Nellie #
- excuse the bipolar tweets this afternoon: following @lorireed's conversation abt #savelibraries while watching the KU BB game. #
- i hate the 3-pt shot; it always come back to bite KU every year in some way. DEFENSE!! #
- @janbrooks1 i know — but i wish KU would guard the Three too, instead of just letting NIU hit them! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- RT @lorireed: For now have a FriendFeed group set up to brainstorm. Join me in http://bit.ly/bZvFQn #savelibraries This is about ALL libs. #
- KU please show up as the #1 team in America that you are in the second half. #
- good q; no 1 playing well RT @janbrooks1: RT @rio_caliente: S'pose coach is gonna kill a Jayhawk at halftime? #kubball Yeah, but which one? #
- ok; i'm going 2go find some dinner during halftime; c'mon KU. get yr heads together in the locker room & come out as a team & play yr game! #
- @janbrooks1 have no idea; have barely looked outside my windows today in protest over the storm, let alone checked the roads 🙂 how r yrs? in reply to janbrooks1 #
- now that's more like it cole — do that now again and again!!! c'mon KU! #
- @humandigitalist have no idea; am speechless. in reply to humandigitalist #
- @mayfieldc me either. i still have hope. memphis-ku in 08 taught me that. PLENTY of time left! in reply to mayfieldc #
- 7 Pts behind; c'mon KU!!! get those rebounds!! #
- 3 pts behind. Get on your feet folks in OKC and cheer on the Jayhawks!!!! C'mon KU!! #
- ouch…. #
- those steals were both were a bit reminiscent of 2008! C'mon KU!!!! 56-59. #
- hiding head under a blanket. #
- hit these freethrows. please. i'm begging you to. #
- WHAT???????? Come on come on come on!!! UNI stepped out of bounds. collins scores & it's 62-63. #
- @J_Nellie no. my foots twitching; hands are sore from clapping. am tense & can't take this much longer. the cats went & hid a long time ago! in reply to J_Nellie #
- C'mon KU!! RT @mayfieldc: Rock Chalk Jayhawk KU … Rock Chalk Jayhawk KU … Rock Chalk Jayhawk Rock Chalk Jayhawk Rock Jayhawk KU! #
- off to go cry. my next two weekends will be basketball free. So proud of the season KU had. But in complete disbelief at the moment. #
- RT @janbrooks1 Thanks for the season and the memories guys! #kubball #
- @annehaines @J_Nellie thx. in reply to annehaines #
- @JLangford that just makes me sick; still on the fence abt wanting to root for them thru the tournament. hearing that makes me think not. in reply to JLangford #
- thankful i have a productive project tonight to keep my mind off the KU loss; more coming very soon 🙂 #
- RT @lorireed: 10 hours ago we had an idea. Now it's begun..Save Our Libraries! http://savelibraries.org/ Thank you @LISHost #savelibraries #
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