- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-13 http://ff.im/-hrjmM #
- Ku-kstate round 3 starts in 45 mins on espn. Will you be watching? I sure will! Rock Chalk Jayhawk Go KU!! #
- Crazy first half. Ku ahead, 31-27 at halftime. Will be good second half for sure! Go KU! #
- @yabooklady glad it didn't count either!! Rock chalk!! in reply to yabooklady #
- @janbrooks1 no she shouldn't wear purple most definitely! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- Showing someone at my patents house the power of twitter. If you have a sec could you say hi & where you're from? #
- Lol that last tweet should have read parents! Thanks iPhone for auto correct! #
- @janbrooks1 lol no it's not 🙂 that's why I buy older cars 🙂 enjoying the game? in reply to janbrooks1 #
- Wow! Thx for the fast responses 🙂 he was floored–retired Schl superintendent. You all are awesome! #
- @jaimebc thx! in reply to jaimebc #
- @renee22754 thx! in reply to renee22754 #
- @travelfiend thx! in reply to travelfiend #
- @edaniel thx! in reply to edaniel #
- @m3mo thx! in reply to m3mo #
- @Alliebrwneyez thx! Hope yr weather isn't too crazy! in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- @rcooper thx! in reply to rcooper #
- @Footnotegirl thx! in reply to Footnotegirl #
- @technolibrary thx! in reply to technolibrary #
- @annehaines thx!! in reply to annehaines #
- @janbrooks1 you are dedicated. I drove to mom & dads to watch it instead of watching on a computer in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @alsnyder02 thx! in reply to alsnyder02 #
- @J_Nellie I'm sure. Hang in there. You all are in my prayers. When is/was the funeral? in reply to J_Nellie #
- Sherronatron!!! Ku 62 kstate 52, 5:16 to go in game. #
- @pollyalida thx. Sounds like yr weather is icky yet again. Spring is coming soon. in reply to pollyalida #
- Mom is growling at frank. We all feel sorry for franks wife. This video of his players immitaring their coach is funny. #
- Will be looking into these more! RT @mtechman really nice student-made tutorials for Google apps, from @McTeach http://bit.ly/cZpTV6 #
- Ku has won 7 of 14 big 12 tournament championships!! Rock chalk!!!! #
- @panderfly yes for most pt; working on practicing saving it 🙂 if ku makes it all the way, final game is apr 5, 36 hrs before 1st kla preso in reply to panderfly #
- @mayfieldc yes yes & yes 🙂 now on to tomorrow where they shld get overall no 1 scene in reply to mayfieldc #
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