- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-11 http://ff.im/-hk9gE #
- my computer is much happier with flash blocking extensions installed 🙂 #
- @jkbeitz we're supp 2 get rain/snow mix over the next 48 hrs; i am not happy. we'd been lured n2 thinking winter was over in last 2 weeks! in reply to jkbeitz #
- @dgrossman i've used this in past w great success: http://bit.ly/dejyQs will need iPhone tip from iGo, too; only issue: does eat batteries in reply to dgrossman #
- always wondered what my fav month was; realized 2day what an idiot I was: its March! lots of hs & college basketball watch next few weeks! #
- @librarianbyday i hate those or worse, when pple ask in person why no reply. in reply to librarianbyday #
- hmm…. RT @Lifehacker: Future Hard Drive Upgrades Will Slow Down XP Users http://lifehacker.com/5490889/ #windowsxp #harddrives #
- @theycallmetater lol; i shld 2, but thankfully allowed 2 listen 2 games @ desk; keep working thru game; perk of being in lawrence i guess in reply to theycallmetater #
- @theycallmetater taking time off tomorrow for hs state games; my hs' girls team is in state semis tomorrow; find out 2day if boys make it 2 in reply to theycallmetater #
- @53new39 wait a few days to say that; it might snow a bit in the next two days 🙁 in reply to 53new39 #
- @librarianbyday LOL; yep know exactly what you mean. in reply to librarianbyday #
- RT @librarianbyday: eBooks in Libraries a Thorny Problem, Says Macmillan CEO http://bit.ly/bUPAGg #
- @gohomekiki 🙂 frame it congrats! in reply to gohomekiki #
- RT @lybrarian: McNaughton v. B&T leased book plans – who has experience with either or both? I need feedback, gold stars, stories, etc. #
- .@qtbooboo Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!! in reply to qtbooboo #
- My coworker are so kind. @ johnnys west 4 lunch w @lybrarian & @wizzyrea. They're here for the food. I'm here for the 2nd half of ku game 🙂 #
- RT @librarianbyday RT @shifted: Holy. Crap. RT @LISNews: ALL FL State Aid Funding For Public Libraries To Be Eliminated http://bit.ly/bgRXej #
- @alisonambi desktop clients are the only way i am able to stay on top of twitter. in reply to alisonambi #
- RT @mattdix Thomas Friedman: "Nobody works harder @ learning than curious kid" spark curiosity by providng strong #edtech tools in classroom #
- listening to a hs boys game; love the local radio guy getting excited about a score 🙂 close game in 4th q. #
- boo the boys lost; but they weren't even supposed get this far! still get to go watch the girls play tomorrow afternoon in semifinal (hs bb) #
- @mattdix np loved the quote 🙂 in reply to mattdix #
- @J_Nellie yep; going to go watch girls in the semifinal tomorrow afternoon 🙂 hitching a ride with my parents out there in reply to J_Nellie #
- has #sxsw started? is that why twitter's being so cranky today, thru the web interface, anyway? #
- @jkbeitz lol my thoughts exactly! in reply to jkbeitz #
- @heidigoseek k — thanks for posting the sxsw comment; i suspected that was the cause of the breakages on twitter but wasnt sure 🙂 in reply to heidigoseek #
- (New Post) Working on Twitterfeed…. http://bit.ly/b6usqj #
- Working on Twitterfeed…. http://ff.im/-hmryo #
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