Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-07

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-07 #
  • @wizzyrea lesson looks great! thanks so much for doing this, again. #
  • "Use the card (not the credit card)…you can get CDs/DVDs/video games for the price of a library card (i.e., zilch) šŸ™‚ #
  • @erindowney i was thinking the same thing; loved the bottom; top was AWFUL and age inappropriate at that! in reply to erindowney #
  • i love sandra bullock: her 1st meal after tonite wld be burger, double-deep fried fries, and a milkshake šŸ™‚ #
  • @amy_schmidt agreed — both looked awful & matthew brodericks salt-n-pepper hair didnt look good either. in reply to amy_schmidt #
  • @cathchat she didn't! oh my. did sandra say anything in response to that? in reply to cathchat #
  • And Kathy Ireland is THE worst one! RT @cathchat: RT @bertq100 The red carpet coverage of the oscars on abc is freaking awful. #
  • sorry but neil patrick harris ain't hugh jackman; i love musical numbers…but not impressed with this one like last years opening number. #
  • @sirexkat so glad you're both ok! too scary in reply to sirexkat #
  • @technolibrary i was kind of wondering the same thing — but couldn't remember the ziegfield name! in reply to technolibrary #
  • iPad commercial šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ pre-ordering begins friday! #
  • someday my prince will come music? ohh animated feature films #
  • UP–> yep, fully agree with that award; incredible film, animated or not. #
  • @janbrooks1 i've seen Up, Blind Side, & Julie & Julia; don't think I've seen any of the other nominees… in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • chris pine šŸ™‚ dont normally go bonkers over actors, but he's a rare exception… #
  • district nine; gross….why'd they have to show gross excerpts? glad i wasn't eating anything…yuck! #
  • Tina Fey & Robert Downey Jr are hilarious! #
  • ooh; great idea! RT @mrschu81: Tina Fey should host the #oscars #
  • watching the UP coverage reminds me to go price the soundtrack for UP…. #
  • john hughes; i'm a bit too young for most of his; home alone is the only one i've seen… #
  • @julian2 i just tweeted the same thing abt home alone & john hughes in reply to julian2 #
  • @annehaines yes you def shld. incredible film overall, but 1st 10 mins was outstanding; some of the best 10 mins on film I've ever seen. in reply to annehaines #
  • @bethanyvsmith fully agreed on that one; i never grow weary of watching P&P esp for Colin Firth in reply to bethanyvsmith #
  • @annehaines i waited till it hit redbox šŸ™‚ $1 for me! i'm right there with you on cutting movie ticket costs; not many are worth the price in reply to annehaines #
  • who the heck is this woman? #
  • ben stiller was hilarious last year as a presenter (spoofing joaquin) & even funnier this year. #
  • anyone figure out who that woman was yet that rushed the stage & interrupted during an acceptance speech? #
  • @annehaines i haven't and probably wont ever in reply to annehaines #
  • Star Trek won an oscar!! should have been nominated many more times over than just makeup…one of my favorite movies of last year! #
  • @annehaines and i drop bundles on money on electronics & software šŸ™‚ priorities is right. in reply to annehaines #
  • @J_Nellie & @technolibrary thx 4 recommendations; didn't know hughes was behind those too; was 7 in 1990 when home alone was 1st out šŸ™‚ #
  • @J_Nellie calling? forget the oscars…what's a phone and this calling you speak of? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie ooh jealous of imax exp; i saw it on big screen twice & bought it; now, fall asleep watching it at least once a week (not kidding) in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @technolibrary you must post pics of your oscar dress, just like all the other red carpet stars! šŸ™‚ in reply to technolibrary #
  • forget the current award; going to watch this again šŸ™‚ RT @TUAW: Miss the iPad ad tonight? We have it here: #
  • agreed RT @acarvin: Given 10 films, i agree RT @chadcat: I'm of the opinion that Star Trek should have been nominated as Best Picture btw #
  • @technolibrary @bethanyvsmith we get one better — we get to look @ & listen to colin firth talk briefly šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ #
  • salute to horror films…will be taking my kitchen break during that one. #
  • @technolibrary he intro'd an education for best picture nominee; was brief, i admit — but still got to hear him for a few secs in reply to technolibrary #
  • RT @mayfieldc: Yesterday's libraries, tomorrow's libraries – 12 differences: #
  • @janbrooks1 oh my card is going 2b out on friday to pre-order; am apple fangirl, but never anticipated a product as much as i am the ipad! in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • @drdeam glad i walked out of room; hearing screams+horror film music bad enuf–>i don't handle well at all, seeing it wld have been worse! in reply to drdeam #
  • the only why i'm still watching the oscars is for best actress…as soon as that's on, i'm changing the channel! last year MUCH better! #
  • altho, the up interpretive dance is making me smile & cry its getting the movie right šŸ™‚ #
  • @jkbeitz i think you're spot on with that comment šŸ™‚ in reply to jkbeitz #
  • awesome score that UP has; the theme is unforgettable for sure. #
  • To Kids–>"if you want to be creative, get out there and do it; it's not a waste of time!" –michael giacchino's acceptance speech #
  • @technolibrary now if only the schools would get this; you cannot cut arts & expect classroom achievement to improve in reply to technolibrary #
  • @erindowney also companies need 2 keep in mind that creativity shld rule the day, not copyright & idea monopoly; derivatives–>better films! in reply to erindowney #
  • do the cats know something i don't? storm is running from one end of the apt to the other every two minutes; white sox is following her #
  • going to lose some hours of my life here: yep, it's march madness time! #
  • @technolibrary no joke on the colin firth pt; i loved them doing something similar last year; this part of the oscars really works in reply to technolibrary #
  • @mrschu81 yes she did in reply to mrschu81 #
  • congrats jeff bridges! its about time! "thank you mom & dad" šŸ™‚ #
  • best pitcher! šŸ™‚ diction announcer diction! #
  • šŸ™‚ watching the oscars was just made worth my time; congratulations sandra!!! #
  • @annehaines go watch it; you'll understand why she won tonight in reply to annehaines #
  • agreed; very classy talking to other nominees first! RT @mrschu81: The best speech of the evening goes to Sandra Bullock. #oscars #
  • RT @paulina_p: Wheeeeeeeee! Kathryn Bigelow won! Random awesome fact: her mother is a librarian. #oscars #
  • the 08 UNC-KU game will never get old; looks like its all online! 1 of the best moments, when FR cole shows up ntl POY: #

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