Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-16

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-15 #
  • Off to the wild & cold snowy nw part of NEKLS territory for training all day. So bitterly cold & snowy this morning. Is winter over yet? #
  • @wizzyrea i will; i70 was bad 2 topeka. after that, semi-ok. 1 person had spun out on i70 sticking out in left lane 2mile after k10 entrance in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @technolibrary what's a web 2.0 smackdown?? sounds very intriguing in reply to technolibrary #
  • @technolibrary cool! i really like that idea. will be sharing it with others. hope it went well today in reply to technolibrary #
  • long day on the road (first of many for training over next few weeks) has ended; best way to end day? curled up w cats & watching ku bball #
  • @wizzyrea i need it on saturday for district 1 KASL (school lib) presentation…. could we make appt for monday or…? in reply to wizzyrea #
  • What a team. Ku pulled this one off, trailing down at Texas a&m most of the game, but won it in last three mins, 59-54. Now 11-0 in big 12. #
  • @erindowney what's the results? Was watching ku game… in reply to erindowney #
  • @wizzyrea k. Thx for trying. Is bad week to lose it. in reply to wizzyrea #

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