Be prepared for a stream of consciousness. You’ve been warned.
I haven’t blogged since September. Yikes. I’ve had things to say, but have said them in person directly to people or in chat or online. But not here. I’ve kind of let this blog go. But no longer.
It’s a new year. And for a multitude of reasons, my brain is suddenly awake. And all these writing ideas are spewing out of it. Up until now, I’ve focused this blog on librarianship and technology. After all, it’s titled “Librarian in the Cloud.” But my interests have grown to include education, lifelong learning, library advocacy, education technology, teaching. I want to write on them, read about them, think about them, and let others know. It’s a scary thought. I used to blog and write many years ago in college. No you’re not going to find my writings linked anywhere — on purpose. They were purely partisanly political in nature, and I’ve changed and moderated a great deal since that time. The world was black and white and I had it all figured out in college. And then I left college. The real world collided. I started working. And meeting lots of different people, who challenged me with their lives and their beliefs and I was refined.
Many students are refined through their college days and classes. I guess I took a bit longer. π I’m six years removed from college graduation, and it’s time to start thinking again. And writing. I have a clearer idea on what I’m passionate about. Education. Lifelong Learning. Librarianship. Embedded Librarianship. Patrons -ΓΒ Members, as Dr. R. David Lankes calls them. Technology. Teaching.
So what will this blog look like? I’m not sure yet. But I’m going to asking a lot of questions and thinking out loud. I don’t have many answers. Just a lot of questions, observations, and speculations.
You’ve been warned π
P.S. A public thanks and shout out to Buffy Hamilton for kicking me to start thinking out loud again by blogging. To the other friends who’ve helped me sort through some things over the past few weeks, thank you as well. You know who you are. This will be an interesting 11 months!
I’ve been feeling the itch myself. I honestly haven’t blogged in a few years (unless you count a short stint on a personal/family blog as I was looking to lose some weight), and I’m hoping to change that this year myself.
Here’s to new beginnings! Good luck to ya!