Week 7: Ladybug Chase


I discovered the importance of not fully trusting the Blocks Editor interface testing through the phone on this app. There was a problem with the image file name I was calling during the GameOver step. It turns out that the Blocks Editor device connection testing is not case-sensitive, but when a app is downloaded to your phone, it is case-sensitive. I’d been trying to call dead_ladybug.png, but had uploaded dead_ladybug.PNG to the app. When the app tried to call dead_ladybug.png, it couldn’t find the image and the app crashed! It took some troubleshooting and some backtracking, as I’d built the entire app up until this point, but I finally isolated the problem and fixed it. I didn’t customize the app’s idea like some classmates, but I did have fun figuring out all the additional places I had to add code, to add the game status, and make the buttons cooperate during their function time.

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