What’s on my iPad?

People find out I have an iPad, and always ask me what’s on it. It’s always awkward trying to show & explain all the apps that are on it, while at the same time choose my favorites (which is near impossible). To help quickly answer that question, I’m putting out a list of what’s on my iPad. Any favorites will be marked by an asterisk. If possible, I’ll also mark today’s price for these apps. But for the sake of the length of this post, I will not explain what each app is or what is does. Maybe in a future post


. Do I use all of these apps in the list? No. But they’re on there, just the same. Finally, here’s a few good resources about iPads and apps, especially with an education focus.

Apps on my iPad

Dock (Apps across the bottom of the screen)

Screen One

No Folder

Books Folder

Cooking Folder

Multimedia Folder

News Folder

Office Tasks Folder

Productivity Folder

Social Media Folder

Websites Folder

Screen Two

Education Folder (#1)

Education Folder (#2)



For Kids

Kids Books