Internet Librarian 2015, Summary

I attended my first Internet Librarian conference this year (which surprised a lot of people, but I have tended to go to the Computers in Libraries conference). I blogged the whole conference — the sessions I attended — and those notes are listed at the bottom of this post, if you only want to jump to them.

Footprints on the Beach…one of my favorite poems.
octopus to use
Still can’t believe I captured this photo at the aquarium of the octopus!

The Monterey, CA location was incredible — it was my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean, and experiencing the climate beside it. That environment didn’t disappoint. I took in the Monterey Bay Aquarium over two days (wow!), walked along Cannery Row each morning and a small beach nearby, and ate some great food (fresh seafood please!). In conference attendance past, I enjoy meeting new people, but these days, being honest, I’m much more apt to reconnect with those I already know from previous conferences. Yep, I’m a full-blown introvert these days. Watching a couple of Royals World Series’ games wasn’t that bad either, especially since the Royals won both!

beach to use
Beach by Cannery Row on Wednesday morning. A little bit of fog is just starting to roll in.
Jellyfish at the aquarium.

All that being said, I went to the conference to attend the sessions. I attended several sessions each day, but not all. I blogged for the conference, and one of the things I learned many years attending and presenting at conferences is to pace yourself. You cannot do everything, and if you try to, you end up sick. You end up sick after many conferences, anyway, but especially if you don’t pace yourself (I’ve stopped getting the post-conference flu, thanks to taking Emergen-C each and every day.

What did I learn? I learned about the Empathy Toy, Data Viz, new forthcoming, exciting, and potentially transformative research from Pew Internet on Libraries and the New Education Ecosystem, NISO Privacy Frameworks, SJPL’s Patron Privacy Toolkit, writing for the web, lots and lots of tools to use, search research, OCLC’s new metadata work, and a new forthcoming report on Rural Library Space Usage. The notes I took for these sessions and more can be found linked below.

It was a great conference; I’d love to come back again some year. And, I’m definitely planning to visit Monterey again, sometime!

Many of the sessions I attended had slide decks available online through the conference presentation page. I tried to link to them below, but also check out the conference presentation page in case other presentations get linked to after this post goes live. I also linked to each session description, in case you wanted more information. 



