“Struggling to keep track of all the content you need to read, watch, listen to, and share professionally to stay up-to-date, but can’t manage it all? Learn about five free, online tools, including Evernote and Diigo, that can help you manage professional information overload.”
These are the resources from a presentation I gave at the NEKLS NEST Retreat on October 6, 2011.
- PDF of Slides + Notes
- Information Overload List on Diigo (an on-going resource list that includes all links from this presentation)
- PDF of 4-Bookmark sheet handout at presentation
- Clay Shirky’s talk on Information Filter Failure
- PDF of slides 23-24 Resources
Brainstormed Ideas from NEST Participants
- Before Presentation: How do you currently deal with information overload? [Links to list of ideas brainstormed before the presentation by NEST participants]
- After Presentation: How will you NOW deal with information overload? [Links to list of ideas brainstormed after the presentation by NEST participants]
- Coming soon