Twitter Updates for 2009-10-21

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-20

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-19

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-18

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-10-17 #
  • keynote presenter this morning using an overhead projector; i haven't even seen one of those since college! #
  • @ashuping who's the company? I haven't watched that episode yet. sounds like i should opt for the small commercials. in reply to ashuping #
  • @jdelagardelle i'm definitely not complaining about our 40 degrees this morning, then! in reply to jdelagardelle #
  • altho the overhead projector is cool idea bc he's showing letters from students to teachers; hilarious/crazy ones! #
  • @katannsky2 same to you in reply to katannsky2 #
  • letters are very special; kids are extremely honest in them. post-email: paper letters are even more sacred now. #
  • "i'm writng emails to people I would never lick a stamp for" LOL #
  • @jdelagardelle i know 29 makes me want to curl up with a book or computer, a blanket, and hot cocoa; forget getting anything done! BRRRR. in reply to jdelagardelle #
  • Using letter writing back and forth with student groups to talk about books, plays (aka silent literature circles); cool idea #
  • google wave could be used for these literature circles. student conversations abt books happening online in this kind of setting… hmmm… #
  • you can teach the curriculum by telling it; or the kids can pursue it by group projects — through exploration, etc. #
  • #kasl09 conf has bn worth it thx 2 meeting pple (of course), but mostly worth it thru learning abt voicethread. will def b figuring it out! #
  • the possibilities are endless! #
  • gr8 approach 2 learning abt tech: have purpose/reason 4 learning tool that audience wld love & buy n2 tool: ex, secret bday party planning #
  • @andrewjsather thx for follow! how much longer of sch do you have left? know what area of librarianship yr interested in? in reply to andrewjsather #
  • @andrewjsather Microsoft Word 4 Mac never works right 4 me. Make sure you've run yr updates on Office; I personally like iWork or OpenOffice in reply to andrewjsather #
  • RT @benasmith: Three powerful examples of how impacting the viral effect of Twitter can be #
  • At parents watching ku game; so far, not so good. But get 2c niece & nephew soon!! #
  • Reesing to briscoe πŸ™‚ nuff said. Ku finally ahead, 30-27, but lots of time left in 4th. #
  • πŸ™ good game tho. So so close. They fought to the very very last second. Still proud of the team. Onto OU next week. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-17

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-10-16 #
  • RT @lrainie: 46% of American adults now use social network sites – up from 8% in 2005. New Pew Internet data: #
  • what a great quote: "no child left untested" #kasl09 #
  • "what are your first reading memories?" 1 of mine is remembering I was allowed 2 read 2nd grade books in 1st grade. it was such a big deal! #
  • public library: "such an important resource in the community" πŸ™‚ always good 2 hear in other circles #kasl09 #
  • @mayfieldc awesome! πŸ™‚ so cool. how did he finally figure out you were reading? in reply to mayfieldc #
  • @J_Nellie thats how the nekls office is 2day 2 — i'm not even there — in topeka at the school lib's conf in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie yikes! good luck; hope it's not a murphy afternoon lol in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie so glad 2 hear some1 else say they were addicted to those series as a child; i was always guilty that i read them so much in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @mrschupa πŸ™‚ oh school book orders; i think i made my parents broke on those. I remember circling in pencil all the books i wanted from 1 in reply to mrschupa #
  • in for a treat; decided to crash the state lib session. can't wait to see what they've cooked up this year. #
  • @J_Nellie have no idea — never have had hbo. but i vaguely remember a series being out there; wasn't allowed to watch it lol in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @twitrhag doing sports roundup comm 2 kick off the session; overview of state lib website; subscribe 2 SLK News 2 get up-2-date game info #
  • Resource Sharing changes: Z39.50 targets for catalogs instead of OCLC marc records-the hybrid KLC. #
  • Illuminar AutoGraphics; will c jacket art, add tags, drag & drop reading lists. KLC & Database Searching will both have this interface #
  • Kansas Library Express Courier service: 3- or 5-day-a-week service #
  • 4 more info on statewide info sharing, attend oct. 28 ILL summitt in Manhattan or 4 remote locations; contact patti @ state lib 4 more info #
  • commercial now on the Refomatic: contact the state lib ref desk by phone or on their website,, for ref help on ks govt info #
  • refomatic info resources date back to 1854. #
  • homework ks is available 8am-11pm; can be used during school hrs; now incl act/sat practice tests, gre practice tests, lots of other areas #
  • dbs: 45 products: gale onefile; literature resource center; multiple world book versions; gale power packs; novelist; chiltons; lots more! #
  • ks audiobooks music & more: heavy use going on; mobile website version coming soon. #
  • Earl GIvens is the new lib tech consultant; call him for help w any of the online services #
  • new talking books device commercial: battery lasts 30 hrs on new player, not 6 hrs; users can play mp3 files, music, uses usb cartridge #
  • . @twitrhag up next on WebJunction Kansas. Online courses yes, but much more! Content, Friends (soc network in WJ), Groups, Contribute #
  • why do WJ? Learning! learn from each other; Courses-free to KS Libs. Children, YA, and Teens Services Courses-perfect for School Libs #
  • KS Continuing Education tab on WJ includes specific programs for KS Libs. #
  • More learning opps: Webinars (only 1 hr)-all archived. Find out abt webinars thru member center calendar of events. #
  • State Data Center commercial. Peter listing off lots of statistics. Will these videos be posted online? #
  • KS Center for the Book: ; also discussing letters about literature program #
  • Marc tyler nobleman is luncheon speaker. He's a cartoonist & writer. He just published boys of steel: the creators of superman #kasl09 #
  • Boys of steel book 1st standalone book ever abt creators of superman, Jerry siegel & Joe shuster #kasl09 #
  • Superman covers quiz #kasl09 #
  • Publishing is abt persistence. All professions & individuals can learn frm that. #kasl09 ex. Lincoln, KFC, Rowling, superman creators, Seuss #
  • @HighTechDad win7 rc ran gr8 on samsung netbook. Installed off flash drive. Look for instructions for how 2 get installer on it that way in reply to HighTechDad #
  • RT @libraryfuture Top 10 iPhone Apps as Judged by Mashable Readers "4 of the top 10 were Twitter clients" #
  • @dianadell saw tweet thx 2 @mayfieldc. From Lawrence ks. Use twitter 2 network & learn frm educators & librarians & 2 keep up w tech & news #
  • @HighTechDad 2 gb. Helps in any netbook 2 have that. I just had the release client. Don't know which version that was like. in reply to HighTechDad #
  • "superman gave families hope in a hero who wld always come home" during wii as they were sending sons overseas to fight. #kasl09 #
  • The art of a cartoon is the art AND the writing. Lots of kids want to draw but it's also abt the writing. #kasl09 #
  • Cations allow us to rebel by laughing at things we'd never do in real life. #kasl09 #
  • Cartoons allow us 2 laugh at taboo things #kasl09 #
  • Truth is funny #kasl09 "really? Someone told me it's not Plagiarism if they're dead" #
  • Cartoons allowus 2 make fun of authority or figures of respect-w no love lost. #kasl09 #
  • Cartoons can convey a full scene w minimal details #kasl09 #
  • "We all start out as cartoonists-doodlers-only the foolish ones like me continue as adults" –Mark Tyler Nobleman #
  • sitting in on session abt digital readers & digital texts: teaching reading in the 21st century #kasl09 #
  • intern'l childrens digital library: #kasl09 #
  • My mom #beatcancer! She is almost 9 years post-chemo and still cancer free!!! I love you mom πŸ™‚ #
  • equitable access is a key component for education –from aasl 21st century skill standards #kasl09 #
  • pub & sch lib work together to achieve this; free, high-speed internet access imp part of this. #kasl09 #
  • Things That Keep Us Up At Night #kasl09 article mentioned in session; school lib article, but highly rec it 4 any lib #
  • 6 Ways K-12 Teachers Can Teach Social Media #kasl09 #
  • What do 21st century skills look like? Standards for the 21st century learner in action book, discusses this #kasl09 #
  • RT @rww: Good list of tech news sources by @timoreilly: #
  • @rmazar congrats on the #beatcancer milestone!! in reply to rmazar #
  • get students in the lib: look at school ayp & test scores: make lib bigger part of the picture to increase those scores #kasl09 #
  • @rmazar you reminded me abt the #beatcancer hashtag; thank you for that. such a good cause in reply to rmazar #
  • Book Trailers? #kasl09 Seen on School Tube/Teacher Tube. Will have to check those out. #
  • book trailers on library website; is that possible? #kasl09 #
  • alternative to book reports: book trailers/advertisements #kasl09 #
  • kids/teachers want them to have time to come to lib, but schools have no time #kasl09 #
  • alternatives: school library staying open at night #kasl09 #
  • RT @glambert: "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your Google Wave concentration?" (SLJ rocks!) (via @TechnologyGeek) #
  • RT @MLx Social Learning Isn't Just for Kids: Learning in Public at Conferences and Workshops #
  • RT @BuzzEdition RT @mashable: 5 Ways Social Media is Changing Our Daily Lives – #
  • it's a kentucky story, yes, but still very good #

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