Twitter Updates for 2009-11-19

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-18

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-17 #
  • On tge road all day up north setting up receipt printers, firefox, prism & library websites in preparation for next weeks migration to #koha #
  • At library #3. Hope to make it to #4 before going home. Long day but everything going well! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-17

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-16 #
  • Over at KU this morning for an OCLC lecture on social media. @J_Nellie this ones for you! #
  • RT @bookpatrol: NJ teenager donates 25k books to Trenton Free Public Library. Called her effort "Books Going Places" #
  • @J_Nellie I'll send you the notes later. No wifi so will focus on notes, not tweets. #
  • No wifi which means no tweets. Need to focus on notes. #
  • @equalman yr social media rev. video is being shown @ lecture on social networking (librarians are audience) thought you'd like to know! #
  • @J_Nellie will get you the notes later; hope you feel better 🙁 in reply to J_Nellie #
  • KU's chancellor joins OCLC board. interesting. #
  • previous tweet should actually be that KU's chancellor was elected (not joined) to OCLC's board. interesting. #
  • woohoo. figured out how to stream klwn on my iphone. Get to listen to ku-memphis on my phone 🙂 #
  • @Mahhtha printable ones: &; don't know of any online 1s, but doesn't mean they're not out there. in reply to Mahhtha #
  • lots of blankets, hooded sweatshirt on, cats curled up in lap, and ku game at 9. relaxing is the mantra tonight. not thinking abt migration #
  • "kansas is the 31st team in the nba…" –memphis' coach on Ku's talent level. Nice compliment 🙂 He's really pouring on the respect. #
  • #kubball -related tweets for rest of tonite during KU-Memphis. Sure won't ever forget watching 08 championship game in AFH w @dianajw! #
  • game is way too close, deja vu, but ku's ahead this time. and memphis is yet again missing lots of free throws. #
  • that was WAY too close & KU didn't have even its B game tonight, but KU still pulled it out in the end. 🙂 Going to be a great season! #
  • @wibwBlake that ending was way too close. but still glad KU pulled it off at the end. in reply to wibwBlake #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-16

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-15 #
  • @wizzyrea I didn't even hear it at my house! in reply to wizzyrea #
  • it is sleeting in lawrence! come on, let it snow!!! #
  • @mrschupa well, abt 75 mins to the north has 4+ inches on ground, so I think we'll have more luck here. Lawrence just has dusting for now. in reply to mrschupa #
  • teri's chocolate cake was yummy; but the chocolate was too rich for my head. hoping the ibuprofen kicks in sometime soon. #
  • It is cold outside and in my apt. Time to turn the heat back up. Too bad the snow isn't really materializing 🙁 #
  • Going to listen to The Christmas Train (by David Baldacci–one of my favorite books) & work on cleaning my apt. Have a great evening! #
  • RT @wibwBlake: If you are heading west on I-70 past Topeka right now, I'd recommend you hold off… hearing zero visibility #
  • First snow of the season is here 🙂 (pic is off back step) #
  • rant: excuse me but a self-exam saved Mom's life-at 47! you can't tell me that they don't do any good. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-15

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