Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-13

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-12 #
  • ill/cataloging training done. onto google apps training #
  • @J_Nellie @wizzyrea @bckhough @erindowney go here: choose page from list; copy code; create txt widget. save. work? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie @wizzyrea @bckhough @erindowney see — right column, underneath recent posts. thats what you wanted, right? #
  • @J_Nellie sorry missed liz's response πŸ™ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie yep, not possible on free πŸ™ see this, toward bottom: in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie @erindowney @wizzyrea @bckhough @lybrarian says she'll do a blog post abt how to do it on free wordpress acct; must find FB widget #
  • I AM eating lunch today, if it kills me. meant to heat soup yesterday, and never did. It's heated today, and I need to stop & eat it! #
  • @J_Nellie welcome to the club! πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie ate my soup πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie i'll send you mine back then πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • 23 things kansas, google apps, simile, wordpress code….why am i the technology librarian again???? #
  • finally got @nengard's lib mashups book πŸ™‚ now to find time to catalog it for nekls' collection! πŸ™‚ #
  • @wizzyrea πŸ˜› in reply to wizzyrea #
  • RT @aarontay: [New Post] How to check your library catalogue by using your IPhone as a free barcode scannerÒ€¦ #
  • @aarontay thx so much for that post. I'd tried red laser but had limited success with it. ZBar worked like a charm w our catalog! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay yes zbar was free. i got redlaser to work, kind of, but it didn't read isbn very well half the time. zbar works like a charm! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay not at this time; wish i cld, but i'm just a heavy iphone user in personal life, poking around. in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay i did use with our library shared catalog to quickly discover i needed to download records for 3 new books 2b cataloged! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay yes there are πŸ™‚ had mine since sept 07; LOVE it. has made dig life more manageable thru 1 device. let me know if u need tips/help in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay should mention — i work w lots of libraries, not patrons directly, hence why no serious plans at the moment w this in reply to aarontay #
  • @hbraum porque? what is this twitter webinar by nicole??? is there a url? in reply to hbraum #
  • @J_Nellie πŸ™‚ pay back! πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @mlsjeff boo its full πŸ™ she's great! she trained us on koha back in july 08 when she was with liblime in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @mlsjeff ok, so i just realized my "twitter webinar" tweet shld have been @ you, but you got it πŸ™‚ smack! doing too much today at once πŸ™‚ in reply to mlsjeff #
  • waiting on @wizzyrea to remote into my computer at the office to look at someone elses #
  • need help: can you add a url to a google calendar or MSN Live? Please let me know. Can't find the answer; thanks in advance! #
  • clarifying that last tweet: can you add a URL to a calendar event on Google Calendar or MSN Live? Please let me know; can't find answer #
  • @mlsjeff no. the code goes away πŸ™ with html or without; just text, no link. in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @nengard i know — let me rephrase: finding time to copy catalog it πŸ™‚ so excited to finally have it in hand! in reply to nengard #
  • RT @princessofworld: RT @jocolibrary: Right now we have 4 positions open at the Library. See for yourself at #
  • @adiopink person trying to help needs a clickable link in the description. Will keep looking. Thanks for the answer. in reply to adiopink #
  • Home. Relaxing for a bit & then will conquer SIMILE! #
  • Relaxation for the evening complete (note to self: do more often). #
  • On to blog commenting, wiki reading, and code writing. If I accomplish what I hope to, life will be so good. πŸ™‚ #
  • posted earlier; still trying to find answer: can you add a URL to calendar event description on Google Calendar or MSN Live? #
  • @mlsjeff looking at your solution right now. went offline for a couple hrs (shocking, i know :)) #
  • @mlsjeff nope, that didn't work…thanks though, that was closer of an answer. i say it's a major fail for google not to have this feature #
  • Here here! FB listen up! RT @academicdave: So Facebook says "screw u and you privacy." Google says "we will fight for you.". Google wins. #
  • @mlsjeff major fail on thr part; going 2g research 30boxes.doing this 4 some1 else; thx for help. yr only 1 who rlly responded, surprisingly in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @mayfieldc tweetie was saying earlier i'd exceeded my api; never did figure out why. maybe twitter's having issues? in reply to mayfieldc #
  • @lorireed i have several times; i present 2 big one/leave in room (macbook) and haul around/take notes on netbook all other times. in reply to lorireed #
  • mad i hadn't ever added site stats to my blog before today. this has since been resolved. #
  • @lorireed lol. i understand. πŸ™‚ thought I was crazy for awhile doing that, but since prefer 2 present w keynote, need to keep macbook around in reply to lorireed #
  • @adiopink was looking for someone who needs 2 do this 4 event registrations. extremely frustrating. can't figure out how google missed this! in reply to adiopink #
  • @lorireed won't be at midwinter. πŸ™ in reply to lorireed #
  • @lorireed could demo keynote thru skype or logmein sometime. @jessamyn uses keynote for her presentations i know…. I LOVE keynote!! in reply to lorireed #
  • RT @mbreeding Expect some ILS news tomorrow. #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-12

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-11

  • @erindowney auto addition to participants page ready to go, as long as you're using Links module in WordPress. πŸ™‚ #
  • RT @bethstill The day we realize we that don't know everything and that it acceptable to ask for help will be a turning point in education. #
  • "media may be even more social than some think" #
  • RT @wawoodworth: Blogged: The actual future of the library. #alamw10 #librarian #
  • really need to go to bed but started tweaking my blog tonight. going to start using it on a regular basis again, as @23thingsks begins. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-31

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-30 #
  • going through work email, since i've not really looked at it in almost two weeks! i like folders & the archive button a lot! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-30

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-29 #
  • rebarcoding at a library all day, then off to help my sis wedding dress shop! πŸ™‚ #
  • so glad @wizzyrea works at nekls!! πŸ™‚ best of luck on the wordpress upgrade issues πŸ™‚ #
  • thanks to @J_Nellie, too, for helping out with KLOW stuff, as well. #
  • @J_Nellie any help is help in this situation πŸ™‚ wishing i could do something but i'm rebarcoding books! in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @tncs it's all liz; she needs all the luck, although i think she's making lots of progress. i'm just rebarcoding today. easy in comparison. in reply to tncs #

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