Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-07-26

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-07-25

  • @zackarylee i won't go see the 3d version, but is the plot/story of captain america worth a theatre price for 2d version? intrigued by it in reply to zackarylee #
  • severe storms or not…it's going to rain, it looks like. yippee! 🙂 and its 87 degrees. cold front 🙂 #
  • @brownez I should say "cold front" 🙂 i know it hasn't hot as long up here as you all have had, but still. I'll take low-90s even! in reply to brownez #
  • i think it's raining! off to investigate. #
  • hooray! it's finally raining 🙂 #
  • @apdoktor rain never sounded quite so beautiful as it did tonight when it started!! 🙂 in reply to apdoktor #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-07-24

  • its 86 apparently now at 9, first time in weeks its been that 'cool' this 'early'. Think I'll go take a walk, finally! #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-07-23

  • @heidiblackburn have fun at unCOILED!! I had a blast last year. If you meet her, tell @alemon I said hello 🙂 in reply to heidiblackburn #
  • @alemon you need to meet @heidiblackburn at unCOILED today 🙂 she's pretty cool…well maybe some days (Heidi, you can't get me from OK!) #
  • @gohomekiki is unCOILED at your library today? are you partaking in any of it? at least one KS colleague is there. 🙂 hope you're well!! #
  • @heidiblackburn sad, but not surprising on the teaching thing. you taking notes for the day? would love to see them! 🙂 in reply to heidiblackburn #
  • @heidiblackburn btw the word magnets from the battledecks prize bag, made it onto our work fridge & then onto this post: #
  • @alemon ah ok; i wasn't sure if you were going or not — just assumed you were. glad your meeting went well! in reply to alemon #
  • Reports run and submitted. Now to download lots of records…. #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-07-22

  • Getting ready to sit in on the Evernote in Education webinar that starts in a few minutes: #
  • @itsjustkate for however long our 100+ degree days have lasted (lost count), I just try to limit my steps outside & not think more than that in reply to itsjustkate #
  • @itsjustkate oooohh. That's something I can't even fathom. Even w ac it's pretty miserable here. But to not have it? Good luck. in reply to itsjustkate #
  • dreams give us tiny whispers & glimpses of what the future could hold & remind us to be patient. Time will reveal all. #
  • @gcaserotti report back how it goes. my adonit case and keyboard is making me seriously consider going without laptop next trip. in reply to gcaserotti #

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