Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-11-08

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-11-07

  • "when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" –John Maynard Keynes #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-11-06

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-11-05

  • At celebrate the book readers advisory conference @TopekaLibrary. Nancy Pearl is keynoting!! #
  • Readers advisory is harder than reference because w readers advisory there is no one right answer -nancy pearl #
  • @SignsofLifeKS @sirkenrobinson's The Element. in reply to SignsofLifeKS #
  • Readers advisory is about building a relationship w readers — not necessarily book recommendations. There is no right answer. -nancy pearl #
  • Smiles from librarians can make a huge difference in patrons lives. -nancy pearl #
  • Library as educational institution: reading helps us become better people from the new experiences & ideas we get from books. -Nancy pearl #
  • @gohomekiki have fun at #bnc11 Enjoying a readers advisory conference keynoted by nancy pearl this year instead. in reply to gohomekiki #
  • @gohomekiki holler if you want to stop by/meet up on your way back home in reply to gohomekiki #
  • @gohomekiki she's great! in reply to gohomekiki #
  • Introing genre-specific pple (ex westerns) to other genres, esp nonfic, common response: "why havent I been shown these before?" nancy pearl #
  • @gohomekiki k and understand. 🙂 have fun and safe travels! in reply to gohomekiki #
  • RA isnt a win lose game. Don't be embarrassed to make mistakes. Its hard. Patrons will tell you what works and doesn't. -nancy pearl #
  • RA opportunity to start conversation and build relationship bw patron and library. Heart of community is library. -nancy pearl #
  • Library is democratic institution. Welcomes everyone. -nancy pearl #
  • @gohomekiki if you hear any good tips to GET PEOPLE to weed — please share 🙂 in reply to gohomekiki #
  • 5 of 5 stars to The Element by Ken Robinson #
  • @gohomekiki i guess. some people are great at it. others, its like pulling teeth! in reply to gohomekiki #
  • full notes from nancy pearl's keynote available from @lybrarian 🙂 #
  • taking another look at goodreads at the readers advisory workshop; i always forget about how powerful it is; will be sharing w our libraries #
  • Cut librares? Shush! (via @librarianbyday) #
  • @strnglibrarian don't get me started on that platform….coming from the state breaking up with it — and that's one of our reasons. in reply to strnglibrarian #
  • Niece & nephew time: 2 huge squeals of glee; 2 hugs & smiles; making a huge leaf pile; jumping into leaf pile. #pricelessmemories #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-11-03

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