- Senate holding #ESEA hearing 11/8 & #SchoolLibraries aren't included. Why?! Good #schools need good #libraries #
- @SenPatRoberts Senate holding #ESEA hearing 11/8 & #SchoolLibraries aren’t included. Why?! Good #schools need good #libraries #
- @JerryMoran Senate holding #ESEA hearing 11/8 & #SchoolLibraries aren’t included. Why?! Good #schools need good #libraries #
- @SenPatRoberts & @JerryMoran #ESEA Why school libraries must be supported: Wired Magazine: Clive Thompson o… (cont) http://t.co/jh9yFwEa #
- Kansans on Twitter tweeting for school libraries today: @JerryMoran & @SenPatRoberts are the Twitter handles for our Senators #
- @laurasolomon @adr they make me sick to my stomach, literally. Prezis are not for those of us who struggle with motion sickness! in reply to laurasolomon #
- all right OK friends, who'd you tick off? earthquakes AND tornadoes on the same day?? #
- @teacherman82 LOL! well…. in reply to teacherman82 #
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