Internet Librarian 2015, Summary

I attended my first Internet Librarian conference this year (which surprised a lot of people, but I have tended to go to the Computers in Libraries conference). I blogged the whole conference — the sessions I attended — and those notes are listed at the bottom of this post, if you only want to jump to them.

Footprints on the Beach…one of my favorite poems.
octopus to use
Still can’t believe I captured this photo at the aquarium of the octopus!

The Monterey, CA location was incredible — it was my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean, and experiencing the climate beside it. That environment didn’t disappoint. I took in the Monterey Bay Aquarium over two days (wow!), walked along Cannery Row each morning and a small beach nearby, and ate some great food Continue reading “Internet Librarian 2015, Summary”

Data Visualization Tools & Techniques Workshop

Greg Nottes, workshop presenter

Workshop Resources

Tools — extracts perfect info and meaning, doesn’t exist 🙂

Not here to necessarily talk about big data, but focus on data to communicate and tell a story; Understanding it. Then looking for errors. Or asking question about anomalies.

Why use different types of viz tools?

Word clouds — frequency of words are visually represented. (?) not right…..
Great for decoration — but not powerful.

How do you get meaning from data? Pull different viewpoints
Word cloud vs this viewpoint — not much can be told at a glance with this one; tells those who are invested in the data what’s going on, but not those outside the audience.

Continue reading “Data Visualization Tools & Techniques Workshop”

Privacy Frameworks & Tools

Adventures in Privacy Literacy — Kate Roberts & Erin Berman, San José Public Library

Big Picture Question: How might we empower people to make informed decisions about online privacy issues? Came out of Knight Foundation challenge

  • Lots of online data privacy issues & needs going on
  • Need for being privacy literate; patrons asking about this issue
  • Shift from Fear-based to fun & education

Received Knight Prototype Fund — rapidly iterate and create prototype (Luma Institute training)

  • Their beginning research found that learning about online privacy can be scary, overwhelming (way too many results–where to get started), and boring (droll, dry, no interactivity, no personalization, one-size-fits-all)
  • Yet people are thinking about their privacy
    • 93% of adults that being in control of who can get info about them is impt
    • 69% of adults say they are not confident that records of their activity maintained by online sites..
    • Pew reports on online privacy

Continue reading “Privacy Frameworks & Tools”

Tech Tools Infoblitz

Gretchen Rings, Univ of Chicago; Emily Clasper, Suffolk Coop. Library Sys; Michelle Zaffino, In the Stacks; Philip Gunderson, San Diego PL

Launching a Mobile Hotspot Lending Program @ Your Library — Oak Public Library — Gretchen Rings

  • Disclaimer at beginning: Wildly successful program but its being discontinued due to circumstances beyond their control; Mobile Beacon nonprofit and issues there. #stopSprint
  • Experimental Budget money –> Li-Fi: Your Library’s Mobile Hotspot: scope, partnerships, budgets, branding discovery, deployment
  • What is a mobile hotspot? “Clever little boxes” that provide Mobile broadband wireless Internet; connects wi-fi enabled device to a 4G mobile high-speed network; small, portable; easy to use; connects up to eight devices. Great for traveling.
  • TechSoup for Libraries project — how library found about Mobile Beacon — a nonprofit to providing affordable, mobile, high-speed Interent access to other nonprofits so they can better carry out their missions ($10/ month (prepaid, $120 per year), unlimited 4G data plans… Device was $45 + the subscription
  • Arstechnica article about lawsuit situation

Tech Tools InfoBlitz: Online Tools for Collaborative Projects — Emily Clasper — Slides

Criteria Continue reading “Tech Tools Infoblitz”

Re-Imagining Small and Rural Library Space

Ken Roberts Library Consulting,

The Widening Gap, Large Urban Public Libraries and Small Rural Public Libraries — Final Report

“The gap bw services provided by large, urban Canadian public libraries and those offers by small, rural library systems is growing. The Panel is concerned that many of Canada’s rural public library boards may lose their ability to provide even minimal services.” -Expert Panel on the Future of Canada’s Libraries and Archives

Provential and Territorial Public Library Directors group (I think that’s what it was called)

Small Libraries Project: All Canadian Provinces & Territories, Main Issues

  • Huge land mass makes provision of bandwidth difficult
  • Thousands of very small, underfunded libraries
  • Some boards still see a Mission of lending books

Continue reading “Re-Imagining Small and Rural Library Space”