Twitter Updates for 2009-11-13

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-12

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-11

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-10

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09 #
  • @MarianLiberryan thank you for that wonderful description of that awful piece of software 🙂 it was quite fitting. in reply to MarianLiberryan #
  • @benasmith will try to remember to keep an eye out for them. noon right? in reply to benasmith #
  • RT @benasmith: Presenting social media to 150 or so business owners and managers at around noon. Lots of total skeptics in the audience… #
  • RT @benasmith: Might have to do a shout out….to show the interaction. If you can help me out on that I'd definitely appreciate it #
  • @benasmith hi twitter lunch participants! Twitter is a great tool to learn from others and share information. Its an invaluable tool. in reply to benasmith #
  • RT @benasmith About to present social media to the Shawnee Chamber luncheon. Please say hello and show them some Twitter interaction! #
  • working on the 23 things kansas website, before organizing meeting at 2. #
  • just got out of a planning meeting for #23thingsks. It starts 2 months from tomorrow! it's going to be a great great program!! #
  • power went out at nekls office while in the middle of the meeting. great fun when three of the 17 participants are in that office!! #
  • @srharris19 i agree. i don't like it at all. you retweeted something and that user's pic showed up in my stream, not yours. Weird. in reply to srharris19 #
  • RT @CommonCraft: Next week I'm doing a free webinar with TechSoup about libraries and online video. Come say hello! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-08 #
  • Wishing college friend @mlsjeff best of luck on his first day on the job as a distance ed librarian. Congrats Jeff!! #
  • "I love logmein"–from a librarian while i was helping her w cataloging issue, using logmein. made process so much simpler, for both of us #
  • @gohomekiki a student actually thought the reference desk could give him that answer? shaking head. in reply to gohomekiki #
  • @acmorton Why not just require online chat office hrs? 2nd life is wrong choice for so many reasons. in reply to acmorton #
  • need an invite to certain site that ends in -ave? (trying to avoid random pple searching for certain terms) DM me w yr email account info. #

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