Twitter Updates for 2009-12-08

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-07

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-06 #
  • hoping it snows enough that mom & sis don't have to go to work in morning (1 @ school; other @ hospital in records); both 30 mins from work #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-06

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-05 #
  • no greater way to end the weekend, than curled up with a netbook and two cats fast asleep in my lap! #
  • @mlsjeff why not??? I'm thrilled to have it coming here in ks (tues snow hopefully means a work trip is rescheduled!) in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @mlsjeff got it 🙂 i will rarely get that: live 5 mins from work & have a school on 1st street & main road is 2nd; roads typically cleared in reply to mlsjeff #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-05

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-04

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-03 #
  • i really do not like illuminar/agent: it has caused more headaches tech support wise in the last week for people. #
  • news article abt osawatomie public library joining nexpress #koha @lybrarian is in the pic! #

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