Twitter Updates for 2009-12-18

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-17

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-16

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-15

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-14 #
  • in final 23 things kansas planning meeting. 🙂 #
  • adiopink

    RT @adiopink Librarians are geek idols; libraries, geek obsessions. RT @Slate A diagram of geek culture #

  • .@dianajw & I are headed to the Moscow ballet's nutcracker in Leavenworth. Thanks Amy for the tickets!! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-14

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-13 #
  • sad massage appt was cancelled, but was able to reschedule for 1-1/2 hr in a week, instead of just a 1-hr one 🙂 my therapist is the best! #
  • interesting. RT @Pogue: Could it be we have AT&T's "terrible coverage" all wrong? Interesting twists from NY Times…. #
  • @ehuckabay how did capstone go? and when's the interview? in reply to ehuckabay #
  • .@wizzyrea has a new name, Santa's Chief Elf, thanks to her focus tweak on our #koha system. Our catalogers were very good kids this year 🙂 #
  • RT @librarianbyday: Top Ten Customer Service Skills for Library Staff #
  • just went cross-eyed, working thru 3 sets of marc, trying to find where mismatch happened in migration. hoping eyes uncross to drive home #
  • @ehuckabay congrats; its such a feeling of relief when capstone is over! you're going to do great on the presentation. in reply to ehuckabay #

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