Twitter Updates for 2009-12-28

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-12-27 #
  • Back from crown center. Had lots of fun. Cats sure glad to have me home, finally! One more day of vacation. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-27

  • Made it back to Lawrence. Worst part was my street. Even after plowing, road still 1 lane due to massive snowdrift. Cats are ok πŸ™‚ onto kc #
  • @panderfly good luck. Waving hi via crown center. We just got done ice skating πŸ™‚ in reply to panderfly #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-26

  • 2 more inches last night. And it's still snowing! The state of my parents deck now. 2' drift there, at least #
  • @tncs good luck! in reply to tncs #
  • hoping my cats aren't getting too hungry or lonely & staying warm; still stuck at parents for another day; haven't been home since wednesday #
  • RT @joycevalenza: 10 Greatest Open Source apps of 2009 #
  • & it's STILL snowing. any1 know how roads are n2 downtown kc coming from topeka? family supposed 2 go 2 crown center 2 spend sunday night. #
  • It's snowing AGAIN. Coming down pretty good again. Where is this stuff coming from? At least the wind is mostly gone. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-25

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-24

  • Taking a break from wrapping presents while watching the sleet come down & down. Still waiting on the snow to show. #
  • Parents' deck & pond in background. That's sleet. Not snow. #
  • @erindowney doing the same here in valley falls at my parents; drifting into the house through a leaky deck door, actually! in reply to erindowney #
  • @erindowney yes it is; too many bridges, curves, and crazy drivers! stay warm & safe in manhattan. in reply to erindowney #
  • @wizzyrea how'd the goose cookin' go today? still have power? what does soren think of the snow? #
  • @lorireed calls to poison control?? what the heck? in reply to lorireed #
  • snow is drifting at mom & dads, trying to come into house already through the deck door! supposed to get worse; glad we're all here safe #
  • @tncs glad you made it home safe; where were you driving from? in reply to tncs #
  • @erindowney they had church in manhattan?? WOW! every church in the counties around here cancelled. in reply to erindowney #
  • this may have made the rounds before, but if not, merry christmas to all my techie friends πŸ™‚ #
  • k, overdid the wishing for a White Christmas a bit lol πŸ™‚ I think more street sledding/snowboarding will happen tomorrow. Merry Christmas! #
  • @erindowney those here 2; pple at parents church still wanted to have christmas eve service but finally cancelld; we weren't going for sure! in reply to erindowney #
  • @erindowney how much snow is out there? there's 4-5 here in valley falls; 2-3 ft drifts already! and its coming down like crazy still in reply to erindowney #

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