T is for Training Challenge Meme

I met a bunch of the T is for Training crew at Computers in Libraries last year through Bobbi Newman. I finally joined the T is for TrainingGoogle Group last summer, but it’s taken me this long to pay attention to the messages. My attention was caught at the right time, apparently, because a Challenge Meme was posted, asking members to post answers to 27 Questions. Here’s my lengthy response, so I won’t mind if you just skim or skip.

  1. Your one sentence Bio: I’m a lifelong Kansan, diehard Kansas Jayhawks basketball fan, mom of two ornery cats, and love to teach people, especially librarians, about technology (particularly free web tools, open source, and social media).
  2. Do you blog? If yes, how did you come up with your blog name? Yes. What a journey to get there. I’ve been an on-again, off-again blogger on since early in 2004, beginning with Xanga in college. I then switched to WordPress.com for awhile. Notice there’s no links to those old blogs. You don’t want to go near them: I was a political science major in undergrad days (get the picture?). Currently, I contribute to NEKLS blogs (my place of work). I jump-started this particular blog again thanks to 23 Things Kansas. The tag line, Librarian in the Cloud: Sharing Info thru the WebÒ€¦One Web App @ a Time, originated from the Fall of 2008, when Liz Rea, Sharon Moreland and I submitted a presentation proposal to the 2009 KLA/MPLA conference. We needed a snazzy title, and Liz, who’s the awesome NEKLS System Administrator with an uncanny ability to create superb presentation titles on the fly, threw out, “Living in the Cloud: How Using Online Services Can Let You Soar”. The title stuck, the presentation was accepted, and we presented at the 2009 KLA/MPLA Conference to a full room (presentation info post). We had had no idea cloud computing was going to take off in the way that it did last year when we submitted the presentation proposal in the first place. Sharon and I gave an encore presentation at NEKLS Tech Day 2009. Here’s the latest version of the presentation. Also, I’ve been sharing resources through Facebook, Delicious, Twitter, and other Web apps for several years, and my friends always appreciated it. When I started this blog up a year ago, the title “Librarian in the Cloud” seemed like a perfect fit! Continue reading “T is for Training Challenge Meme”

Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-14

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Site under beta and coding challenge

I’m currently working on tweaking this blog’s appearance and organization. 23 Things Kansas has definitely challenged me to work on developing my coding skills. That link was this week’s challenge: to find a way to quickly and easily deploy a list of links to all the participants’ blogs, a sortable, filterable, searchable solution. I think it worked! We’ll see.

In the process of tweaking this blog (in its perpetual beta), I’ve managed to briefly completely break it three or four times in the last 24 hours! Thankfully, due to great WordPress documentation and Google searching, I’ve resolved most of the issues each time. If things look weird, or bizarre, or nothing is displayed, please bear with me. Blogs are sometimes a work in progress.

One thing I’ve partially accomplished, but not completely yet, is I’ve removed my Twitter Digest posts from appearing on the homepage everyday.  I hope that helps clean this up. I set that up, so the people that are interested in what I have to say on Twitter each day, but aren’t Twitter users, might be able to follow the stream. You can still see those posts under the Twitter category. I hope that helps! More changes to come.

Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-13

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-12 http://ff.im/-eclq2 #
  • ill/cataloging training done. onto google apps training #
  • @J_Nellie @wizzyrea @bckhough @erindowney go here: http://bit.ly/1QhaC7 choose page from list; copy code; create txt widget. save. work? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie @wizzyrea @bckhough @erindowney see http://bit.ly/7JxeoA — right column, underneath recent posts. thats what you wanted, right? #
  • @J_Nellie sorry missed liz's response πŸ™ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie yep, not possible on free πŸ™ see this, toward bottom: http://www.iandavidchapman.com/facebook-fan-box/ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie @erindowney @wizzyrea @bckhough @lybrarian says she'll do a blog post abt how to do it on free wordpress acct; must find FB widget #
  • I AM eating lunch today, if it kills me. meant to heat soup yesterday, and never did. It's heated today, and I need to stop & eat it! #
  • @J_Nellie welcome to the club! πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie ate my soup πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie i'll send you mine back then πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • 23 things kansas, google apps, simile, wordpress code….why am i the technology librarian again???? #
  • finally got @nengard's lib mashups book πŸ™‚ now to find time to catalog it for nekls' collection! πŸ™‚ #
  • @wizzyrea πŸ˜› in reply to wizzyrea #
  • RT @aarontay: [New Post] How to check your library catalogue by using your IPhone as a free barcode scannerÒ€¦ http://goo.gl/fb/kXtA #
  • @aarontay thx so much for that post. I'd tried red laser but had limited success with it. ZBar worked like a charm w our catalog! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay yes zbar was free. i got redlaser to work, kind of, but it didn't read isbn very well half the time. zbar works like a charm! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay not at this time; wish i cld, but i'm just a heavy iphone user in personal life, poking around. in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay i did use with our library shared catalog to quickly discover i needed to download records for 3 new books 2b cataloged! in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay yes there are πŸ™‚ had mine since sept 07; LOVE it. has made dig life more manageable thru 1 device. let me know if u need tips/help in reply to aarontay #
  • @aarontay should mention — i work w lots of libraries, not patrons directly, hence why no serious plans at the moment w this in reply to aarontay #
  • @hbraum porque? what is this twitter webinar by nicole??? is there a url? in reply to hbraum #
  • @J_Nellie πŸ™‚ pay back! πŸ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @mlsjeff boo its full πŸ™ she's great! she trained us on koha back in july 08 when she was with liblime in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @mlsjeff ok, so i just realized my "twitter webinar" tweet shld have been @ you, but you got it πŸ™‚ smack! doing too much today at once πŸ™‚ in reply to mlsjeff #
  • waiting on @wizzyrea to remote into my computer at the office to look at someone elses #
  • need help: can you add a url to a google calendar or MSN Live? Please let me know. Can't find the answer; thanks in advance! #
  • clarifying that last tweet: can you add a URL to a calendar event on Google Calendar or MSN Live? Please let me know; can't find answer #
  • @mlsjeff no. the code goes away πŸ™ with html or without; just text, no link. in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @nengard i know — let me rephrase: finding time to copy catalog it πŸ™‚ so excited to finally have it in hand! in reply to nengard #
  • RT @princessofworld: RT @jocolibrary: Right now we have 4 positions open at the Library. See for yourself at http://bit.ly/1xiLjs #
  • @adiopink person trying to help needs a clickable link in the description. Will keep looking. Thanks for the answer. in reply to adiopink #
  • Home. Relaxing for a bit & then will conquer SIMILE! #
  • Relaxation for the evening complete (note to self: do more often). #
  • On to blog commenting, wiki reading, and code writing. If I accomplish what I hope to, life will be so good. πŸ™‚ #
  • posted earlier; still trying to find answer: can you add a URL to calendar event description on Google Calendar or MSN Live? #
  • @mlsjeff looking at your solution right now. went offline for a couple hrs (shocking, i know :)) #
  • @mlsjeff nope, that didn't work…thanks though, that was closer of an answer. i say it's a major fail for google not to have this feature #
  • Here here! FB listen up! RT @academicdave: So Facebook says "screw u and you privacy." Google says "we will fight for you.". Google wins. #
  • @mlsjeff major fail on thr part; going 2g research 30boxes.doing this 4 some1 else; thx for help. yr only 1 who rlly responded, surprisingly in reply to mlsjeff #
  • @mayfieldc tweetie was saying earlier i'd exceeded my api; never did figure out why. maybe twitter's having issues? in reply to mayfieldc #
  • @lorireed i have several times; i present 2 big one/leave in room (macbook) and haul around/take notes on netbook all other times. in reply to lorireed #
  • mad i hadn't ever added site stats to my blog before today. this has since been resolved. #
  • @lorireed lol. i understand. πŸ™‚ thought I was crazy for awhile doing that, but since prefer 2 present w keynote, need to keep macbook around in reply to lorireed #
  • @adiopink was looking for someone who needs 2 do this 4 event registrations. extremely frustrating. can't figure out how google missed this! in reply to adiopink #
  • @lorireed won't be at midwinter. πŸ™ in reply to lorireed #
  • @lorireed could demo keynote thru skype or logmein sometime. @jessamyn uses keynote for her presentations i know…. I LOVE keynote!! in reply to lorireed #
  • RT @mbreeding Expect some ILS news tomorrow. #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-12

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