Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-18

  • mario's shot never gets old & don't think it ever will. still remember my scream when it happened 1st time; lost voice 4 rest of that week! #
  • @bckhough yes, spent fri & sat nights w parents; spent time w maddie & logan fri night & sat am; that alone helped me relax and rest 🙂 in reply to bckhough #
  • Thankful for friends who kick me in the seat of the pants and are honest. You know who you are! 🙂 #
  • RT @49news: First on 49 RT @lseabrook49 From Haiti to Holton: The O'Byrne famiy is finally reunited!! #49news #
  • @J_Nellie why ? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • KU's toughest player in 'real life' #
  • nap on the plan for this afternoon. cats already curled up at feet in preparation 🙂 #
  • @librarianbyday i was able to catch yours through ustream. You did AWESOME!!! loved the "one device, one use going away" quote. 🙂 in reply to librarianbyday #
  • RT @LJWJKealing: If you haven't watched Nick Krug's timelapse from AFH yesterday, you're no #kubball fan: #
  • @MLx glad you are tweeting GG. Going to try to run them thru; no cable for me & want 2c who wins: love blind side & glee!! in reply to MLx #
  • so glad to hear the o'byrne's finally have all their family together in holton: amazing. #
  • ouch. "let me get finished before nbc replaces me with jay leno." LOL #goldenglobes #
  • @MLx i want to, and need to but not sure I can handle it. You know what I mean? in reply to MLx #
  • If you haven't seen UP yet, you MUST!!! What an amazing, inspiring, incredible, beautiful story. Just won GG for best animated feature film. #
  • @rmazar i've never seen marriage portrayed better or sweeter, even in hard times. 🙂 if i ever get married, that's what i want! in reply to rmazar #
  • @ashuping didn't see coraline; actually hadn't heard of it until tonight; what's it about? in reply to ashuping #
  • @ashuping sounds intriguing. thx! in reply to ashuping #
  • Harrison ford sounds ancient. Wow. Did anyone else think he'd never get old? #
  • @ashuping will add it to the massive stack lol. in reply to ashuping #
  • Must see Julie & julia. Haven't seen it yet. #
  • @J_Nellie it's getting added for sure. in reply to J_Nellie #
  • Trying to quickly finalize #23thingsks online communities lesson w @J_Nellie that goes live at 3am. Nothing like cutting it close. #
  • Come on Jane!!!!!!! #
  • Booooooooo. Jane lynch was robbed. That's all I have to say. #
  • @infogdss29 I'm bummed too. First Matthew, now Jane??? How did she not win? in reply to infogdss29 #
  • @J_Nellie no, 2am is panic time, agreed. 🙂 in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie its much more doable as a team, agreed! in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @infogdss29 you think lea has any hope or did i miss that too? in reply to infogdss29 #
  • GLEE!!!!!!!!!! #
  • @infogdss29 well that made up for it, partially 🙂 in reply to infogdss29 #
  • Glee winning best comedy/musical partially made up for jane & matthew not winning acting award. #
  • @MLx loved that! Now if schools wld pay attention & recognize importance of arts ed…. in reply to MLx #
  • @buffyjhamilton oh no! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
  • K, what's so great abt the hangover? #
  • Go Sandra!!!! 🙂 Such a great movie! #
  • @MLx that was his problem. Ah. I was trying to figure out what happened. in reply to MLx #
  • Robert downey & Sherlock holmes=great movie too!! Hilarious speech. #
  • I am so thankful for boxee +, and Spaces 🙂 they made my golden globes watching able to happen while working at same time. #
  • RT @buffyjhamilton If any1 finds cute metallic makeup bag w lipgloss & allergy meds @ networking commons or OCLC blog, pls Tweet me #alamw10 #
  • Still not going to see avatar. Even w golden globe. Cameron is overrated. Learned that w titantic. #
  • think we're getting close, @J_Nellie 🙂 this is hard work! #
  • From Haiti to Holton: Home at last: #
  • @J_Nellie its ok 🙂 in reply to J_Nellie #
  • Today Show: Home at last: 7 Haitian orphans arrive in US: #
  • @J_Nellie you have work? huh? why are we off and you aren't? is it local policy on this holiday still? 🙁 in reply to J_Nellie #

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How do I use Facebook?

This post is for part of the lesson that Janelle Mercer and I co-authored for the 23 Things Kansas lesson on Online Communities. We are both blogging about how we use Facebook, to give examples to 23 Things Kansas participants.

I’m “old” in Facebook age, joining the network back in its infancy in May 2005 when my college received access to Facebook. That was back in the day when only college students (or alums with college emails) were allowed on Facebook. In the almost five years since, my use of Facebook has drastically evolved. What originally was simply a way to stay in touch with college friends has turned into a way to connect and re-connect with friends and family that are all over the world. We can quickly see what’s going on in each others lives with just a few seconds of looking at each others’ profiles. I love it when my 3-year-old nephew has a new “Logan Show” video posted.

I also use Facebook to connect with library colleagues, getting to know them better, and share resources there. I share lots of tech resources on Facebook, although some other friends think it’s Greek most of the time! I manage the NEKLS Facebook Page for NEKLS libraries, which many of our librarians love, because NEKLS news from our various websites is fed to them right through Facebook.

Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-17

  • sleep=success! now catching up on my email i let go for 17 hrs! #
  • may not like sen. brownback like I used to, but thank you for this!!! #
  • @wizzyrea most of it will be let go 🙂 i get to buy dad a new mac this weekend and set it up! in reply to wizzyrea #
  • RT @TheNextWeb: This is what happens when you put a box of wine in a microwave. on @shareables #
  • Going to be paying attention to this column in LJ by @walkingpaper: The User Experience: #
  • Koha Optimistic That Forked Tree — And Troubles — Are History: #koha #
  • Shld all the KS Koha libs do the same? RT @lee8phillips: A request to PTFS from Montana Koha Libraries: #
  • RT @davidleeking: Pls RT – Gina Millsap needs help finding iPhone w brown/pink flower cover, left in cab (not sure what cab) #alamw10 #
  • @wizzyrea oh no 🙁 in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @wizzyrea WHAT????? Must try when i find heaphones again. That is awesome!! in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @wizzyrea i wonder… might that mean we have a cheaper alternative to headsets from logitech? I wonder if those wld work w pc… in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @wizzyrea we can try… 🙂 would be cool! in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @sekjal sounds like the meeting is going great! thx for keeping everyone informed who can't be there. in reply to sekjal #
  • @pollyalida i can give you lib-wordpress exs, but really, co-workers @wizzyrea & @lybrarian are the queens of mykansaslibrary (KLOW) #
  • good day: played w 3yo & 1yo this am; worked 4 Dad in funeral home on prayer card doc & other stuff (story there); going 2 dinner w mom&dad #
  • @pollyalida forgot 2 mention on wp @bckhough was involved w getting it all off the ground. CiL magazine in sept or October has article on it in reply to pollyalida #
  • had a great dinner with my parents and now have even greater leftovers to take home tomorrow 🙂 #
  • watching colts-ravens. yeah, i'm a ravens bandwagon fan thx to blind side. 🙂 cant help it; michael oehr's is AWESOME! #
  • @panderfly new dresser?? where'd you get it from? I remember you were looking for one. in reply to panderfly #
  • @telephase i'd be rooting for colts if they weren't playing ravens (frankly I don't care much abt the NFL; college basketball is my sport!) in reply to telephase #
  • @erindowney 10 hrs sleep last nite=WIN! 🙂 spent time w 3yo nephew & 1yo niece last nite/today; dinner w parents tonite. in reply to erindowney #
  • @erindowney life is good & relaxed again, thankfully. how is boston? in reply to erindowney #
  • @Vickiteal thx for tweets from PTFS press conf; what abt community Koha? Anything said concretely? in reply to Vickiteal #
  • @Vickiteal k thx! hope the rest of midwinter goes well for you. in reply to Vickiteal #
  • @J_Nellie that it is, esp when its their treat 😉 in reply to J_Nellie #
  • helping mom with her #23thingsks blog 🙂 too bad she's falling asleep; love you mom! #
  • RT @digiphile: "Facebook's decision is an economic one, not a social norms one. And that scares…" – @zephoria #
  • what an awesome story: w help of senior community writing club, 82-yo writes & publishes life story: #
  • @J_Nellie we got a lil done: changed theme, added one link. she fell asleep then, lol 🙂 she'd already had blog post up in reply to J_Nellie #
  • instead of a movie, what am i watching? the 2008 ku-unc semifinal game. yeah, i love KU basketball 🙂 #
  • RT @anitaborg_org: awesome addition to the #geekfeminism wiki: List of women in FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) #
  • wonderful, just wonderful. RT @lindawadman: – Network Flaw Causes Scary Web Error #
  • only problem w 2008 final four dvd; they compress the ku-uncgame 🙁 did unc pay to have that game edited, bc they played so bad? LOL #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-16

  • @wizzyrea who do i get to train next? (or is this one covered already) in reply to wizzyrea #
  • couldnt sleep, for 3rd night running, so commenting on lots of #23thingsks blogs instead. it beats just laying here. #
  • Crazy day. Sleep is the only thing planned tonite after I see niece & nephew. #
  • 3-yr olds & 1-yr olds w hugs, grins, and laughs put life in perspective 🙂 I love my niece & nephew! #
  • RT @mayfieldc How our language is changing because of the digital world: #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-15

  • @aethen congrats on the internship! what are you doing for them? in reply to aethen #
  • @lindawadman here's something to cheer you up: we are close to 600 registered 23 Things KS participants!! Registration closes at 5 today. in reply to lindawadman #
  • ugh; didn't get much sleep for second night in row. when i get really tired, that tends to happen. Here's hoping today goes well. #
  • w Koha announcments, starting road 2 redesign NEKLS sites, & getting new #23thingsks blogroll listing live yesterday, going 2b hard to top! #
  • thx @lybrarian for recommending donating to unicef for haiti relief: #
  • RT @shifted new day dawning? dynamic home page for #ALA that shows whats happening at #alamw10 in real-time. scuse me while I shed a tear… #
  • sitting in on @techsoup's webinar on "Overview of Website Accessibility" #techsoup Hope to learn lots! #
  • registration for #23thingsks has closed. We are VERY close to 600 registered participants. final numbers coming at later date. 🙂 #
  • @J_Nellie 🙁 🙁 🙁 where do you want me to look at the draft? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • finally going home….and hopefully going to bed at a decent hour tonight. #
  • @aethen still exciting. Good luck! 🙂 and i hope your semester starts off well! in reply to aethen #
  • @Mizzusmac1963 i haven't worn a coat the past couple of days. it absolutely "balmy" right now 🙂 in reply to Mizzusmac1963 #
  • RT @lorireed: RT @TheLiB: Librarian & author Cliff Landis is personally matching Haiti earthquake donations up to $10,000. #

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