Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-21

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-21

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-20 #
  • @lorireed always great news! 🙂 in reply to lorireed #
  • finally starting to catch up a little bit on workload. 🙂 able to breathe a little easier. still, lots to do! #
  • RT @libraryfuture: 'Libraries Shd Prepare for Near Universal Adoption of Mobile Tech' Thnx for sharing @ericrumsey #
  • RT @librarianbyday Library Day in the Life Round 4, January 2010 #
  • @artg95 hey art! Glad to see you on Twitter. What got you started on it again? #
  • Watching 1989 ku-uk game on YouTube. The one where Rick pitino pressed for 40 mins, even when ku kept breaking it; final sc: ku 150; uk 95. #
  • @janbrooks1 me too! Isn't it a great option to have? in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • So thankful for @espn360. Get to catch my jayhawks online for free! #
  • That was a close one; but ku prevailed over baylor! Glad Sherron is on our team! Rock Chalk! #
  • Ah, how technology has changed! RT @janbrooks1 as a teenager, used transistor to listen to basketball in bed–now I have the laptop! #
  • @pat2pattern lol 🙂 my friend @janbrooks1 must have been desperate 2 listen 2 KU as teenager. Not sure I've ever seen a transistor radio! in reply to pat2pattern #
  • RT @CoachBillSelf: Great game tonite. Baylor played great. That wz fun out there. Guys loved it. Sherron marcus and crowd were awesome. #
  • RT @conniecrosby: Best practices for tagging on the web by @stevematthews – Well done, Steve! #
  • need to do following: 1) write #23thingsks response post for week; 2) clean up Google Reader feeds; 3) finish adding links on blog 4) sleep #

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NPR on Facebook and Social Media Cards

I posted this to the 23 Things Kansas listserv tonight, but loved the resources so much, I’m going to cross-blog them here.

I was quickly skimming through several blogs today and remember someone’s blog post for this week’s lesson on online communities (posted at the 23 Things Kansas website) mentioning an NPR story on Facebook as the reason she finally joined Facebook. Intrigued, I stumbled upon a couple of NPR stories from last year and thought I’d share them with you all; I don’t know if it was what she was looking for, but maybe one of these was it:

  1. Five Years of Facebook
  2. On Point with Tom Ashbrook: Facebook Culture

Also, I posted a link to this third article on the 23 Things Kansas Facebook fan page, but thought it wouldn’t hurt to re-post here:
Social Media Cards: A 2.0 Type of Business Card

Here’s a couple of paragraphs from it:

“You probably know someone just like Juli, because librarians are great at establishing relationships. Talking to patrons, figuring out what they like, helping them find exactly what they need—not a problem. But when it comes to social media, librarians struggle. There should be a policy, a schedule, someone assigned to tweet/facebook/wave for the library—right?

Not quite. The online librarian-patron relationship should be an extension of interpersonal communication. After all, the whole purpose behind social media is to aid in relationships.

Am I saying your library shouldn’t have a Facebook fan page or a Twitter account? Absolutely not. In fact, if you don’t have one now, why not? Online communities are growing, and your library needs a presence on those sites.

But let me ask you this: who do you listen to? An institution or a person you know? Without even realizing it, we ask our friends where they bought their car, if they know a good babysitter, and who cut their hair. Social media serves as a place to enhance our relationships. Since we’ve already established trust-worthy relationships with our patrons inside the library, it’s only natural that we use social media enhance our relationships with patrons virtually.” (end excerpt)

I’ve really enjoyed the comments on the 23 Things Kansas Facebook fan page about how all of you are using Facebook (click on the Facebook icon on the 23 Things Kansas website up at the top or visit If you have a Facebook fan page or even a library website with comments enabled, have any of you been able to engage your patrons online and start conversations with them?

Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-20

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-19 #
  • @ghardin use mine 4 storage only. Read it doesnt do well 4 network connectivity; it's hooked up to a netgear wireless router thru Ethernet. in reply to ghardin #
  • Helping dad buy a new iMac for his work 🙂 #
  • @ghardin np. I'm using a netgear gigabit n router. The setup works fantastically! in reply to ghardin #
  • Dad finally replaced his 6-yr-old eMac for the funeral home w a 21" iMac. Talk abt drastic upgrade 🙂 #
  • Wishing I were back in college/grad school classes in poli sci to be able to discuss what happened tonight & why. (1 of 2) #
  • Not sure that this is simple party pushback. Is any seat "safe" in November? What is going on w American voters, esp Indep? (2 of 2) #
  • And now I return back to my library/tech world hole. #
  • @J_Nellie i buried my head back into my hole in the sand; i rarely come up for the political world 🙂 (for good reasons) in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @J_Nellie comments seemed to drop off tonight; did you get to relax and take a break? #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-01-19

  • Definitely! RT @lorireed Top tech trends…maybe LearnRT should do top learning/training trends? #alamw10 @alalearning #
  • RT @lorireed Top tech trends…maybe LearnRT should do top learning/training trends? #alamw10 @alalearning #
  • Glad I have today off. #
  • have 2 or 3 blog posts swimming in my head, including getting my #23thingsks post on online communities done; first need to wake up. #
  • @wizzyrea sounds like a good day off. you're feeling better, i'm assuming? in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @bckhough re: bye bye birdie: I couldn't help it; we were rewriting the explanation & i thought it was a perfect illustration 🙂 #
  • @wizzyrea how's this: I will get one thing done today that is not work-related, & that doesn't include a nap or reading a book 🙂 #
  • @J_Nellie i shld include just "getting anything done". all I've managed to do is cuddle w cats & play on FB LOL. they're not complaining! in reply to J_Nellie #
  • i always renew mobileme acct for 3 reasons: 1) i've had that email address for 9 yrs; 2) love the gallery; 3) iphone locator (<–using now) #
  • bbq sandwich from biemers, peppermint tea & gingersnaps from worldmarket awaiting me for dinner. thx @wizzyrea for gingersnaps intro! #
  • @brewinlibrarian bravo! glad it went well! in reply to brewinlibrarian #
  • ugh someone slap me. Going to hold my nose & root for k-state tonight against Texas. I feel really pathetic and a traitor to all things KU. #
  • Remembering why I hate kstate so much. Wabash cannonball & their thuggish players. Rooting for tx now. #
  • Realized I couldn't root for either team. Too much of ku fan. Gave up on game & watched movie instead while figuring out Automator. #

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