Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-06

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-05

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-04

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-03 #
  • I esp love the iPhone comments ๐Ÿ™‚ RT @joshuamneff I love this! Sir Patrick Stewart on the internet: #
  • @twitrhag marketing at its best ๐Ÿ™‚ thx for sending that my way! i hadn't seen it yet #
  • @lorireed really? very interesting. does it record yr movements & interactions w the screen? where can i find more info abt this? in reply to lorireed #
  • revision history for google docs to the rescue ๐Ÿ™‚ i think that's my favorite feature of google docs more than anything! #
  • @ranginui get better!!! in reply to ranginui #
  • Disturbed by a conversation tonite. Need to do some research… #
  • loving game in AFH west. KU playing @ Colorado tonite. hate announcers tho (as usual). ku fans sound like they're in equal #s to CU fans #
  • anybody else think the Colorado cheers are indecipherable? I can't understand a word they're cheering! #
  • C'mon KU get yr act together & play like the #1 you r! And espn: teach yr announcers to not be biased…going to find Bob & Chris on radio #
  • @wizzyrea will fill u in in the morning. in reply to wizzyrea #
  • We're 6-15 from freethrow line @ half? What the…? Markieff & Tyshawn major culprits: 1-5 & 1-3. Cole is 3-5 & X is 1-2. Not good at all. #
  • @wizzyrea sorry I just don't want to put it online. But had to get frustration out somewhere. in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @J_Nellie some1 borked the mentors ss ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @wizzyrea you make me feel guilty bc it's my pet peeve too. See txt. in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @erindowney ICK! Ouch! If I drank, it'd make me do the same. Needs assessments are never fun. in reply to erindowney #
  • @wizzyrea ? in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @J_Nellie from help??? Is your phone trying to be omniscient again? ๐Ÿ˜› in reply to J_Nellie #
  • I dislike this score. Was 25-8 at one point (or something like that). 45-43 now. Also, overrated is stupid cheer. #
  • Argh!!!! C'mon KU where's the fight in you tonite??? 59-58 ku w 2 to go. #
  • @philmartinez you can't get the game on in reply to philmartinez #
  • muted the announcers. i can't take close games, esp back to back ones! esp against a team we've beaten 40 of last 41 times! #
  • .@philmartinez I wouldn't be able to survive life without cable if espn360 didn't exist! I need to watch my Jayhawks in reply to philmartinez #
  • marcus morris: forget my yelling @ u all season. u just showed major heart & desire 2 win w that effort & follow through! 67-64 ot, ku, 1:52 #
  • @janbrooks1 not breathing until the clock says 0.0. i do not like close games, esp back-to-back like this!! in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • waving the wheat in boulder! 72-66, ku. phew. way too close! marcus morris came thru big time for us-6 pts in OT; 3 offensive RBs on 1 play #
  • @philmartinez you didn't hear them earlier in the game. they were better in OT in reply to philmartinez #
  • @janbrooks1 yep yep. i hope they get some rest. Nebraska Saturday and TX on Monday. in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • RT @KansasHoops: RT @Aimee_B_Loved: We now return you to your regularly scheduled heart rate. #kubball #
  • Agreed. RT @RyanGigous: RT @marcramsey01: Chanting overrated only minimizes your own team's efforts. Idiots. #
  • i'll take close wins if & only if KU learns from them & it helps come March. They need 2 want 2 win. Still not sure desire 2 is there yet. #
  • & now a return back to my library & tech-related tweets. thx for putting up w my KU bb obsession libraryworld friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • 3 weeks behind on own postings 4 #23thingsks & still need 2 write microblogging lesson that goes live in 2 weeks: instead, playing w tumblr #
  • @wizzyrea oh no! i hope it is; well, you'll hear abt it before you read the text, prob, then. in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @ranginui great to hear! in reply to ranginui #

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-03

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Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-02

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-02-01 #
  • monday monday ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @bckhough true, but that was not an ordinary game ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to bckhough #
  • RT @bohyunkim: What the iPad is and isn't – New Blog Post #
  • cataloging new books for our collection ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • RT @lybrarian I'm reviewing blogs for 23 things and now want to go play with ning and think edublog is pretty darn cool. #23thingsks #
  • contact @wizzyrea RT @wizzyrea: looking for a library using iluminar that has a direct search box to iluminar on their home page. Anyone? #
  • ICK! the weather is GROSS here in Lawrence. Sleet/freezing rain combo it looks like. Our sidewalk is white from the stuff. #
  • anyone w wordpress blog having trouble loading site with embedded slideshare presos today? #
  • @erindowney you are? what site? I took the one off 23 things ks bc of the problems. is there another one? in reply to erindowney #
  • RT @wizzyrea: working on a #WordPress widget: looking 4 a library using iluminar that has a direct catalog search box on their home page #
  • @erindowney was preso; not slideshare or blog. go figure in reply to erindowney #
  • @buffyjhamilton it bothers me. in reply to buffyjhamilton #
  • @dianajw thx. Thankfully problem wasn't w slideshare. Something in the ppt file didn't agree w slideshare at all. Google docs to the rescue! in reply to dianajw #
  • why i <3 my jhawks: when othr players wont take criticism (Wall) or a manager cusses out refs (USC), KU players do this #

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